Padd Solutions

Converted by Falcon Hive

Well, I pretty accurately predicted my complete absence from blogging!

Here's the thing: I feel really weird blogging when I don't have any writing-related content to blog about. I mean, I could regale you all with my adventures in Azeroth (disc priest LFG) or complain about how much I hate the M-44 Hammerhead (almost done with Mass Effect 2!). And really, there's only one post's worth of mileage to "I'm not posting because I have nothing to post!" Which I am squandering now, in a post where I do actually have news. That's called resource management.

That news? I just signed with Riptide Publishing to appear in their anthology Bump in the Night, coming out this fall! I am really, really excited to work with them; my story went through an R&R before I got the acceptance, and just the revision request was thoughtful, excellent, and improved the story exponentially. Now I can't wait to get the infamous Riptide editing experience for real. I'm weird; I like taking a scalpel to my stuff. True story: I print and hand-edit my shorter works with a red pen, for maximum correction glee.

I'll have more news about the book a little later in the game, once there's been an official announcement about the author lineup. But from what I know so far, this anthology is going to be awesome.

My assignment for myself this week is to come up with some blog post topics I can cover even without any other upcoming releases. So far I've come up with my writing process (if you're familiar with George R.R. Martin's analogy of architects vs. gardeners in writing, I'm definitely an architect), the dieselpunk/atompunk aesthetics (with discussion of a current project), and... well, that's it. I've got a lot of work ahead of me this week!

I mean, unless you want to hear about this week's transmogrification outfit (tier 5, by the way) or a scathing piece on how the Hammerhead is even worse than the Mako and I didn't think that was possible. Then my job as a blogger is easy.

Hello, world!

12:26 PM 0 comments

Okay, I think I've got the layout somewhat in order. Maybe. For now.

I'm not much of a blogger, unless you count having a LiveJournal back in the day. In my personal life, I don't even use Facebook. My Tumblr exists for the sole purpose of following neat animated gifs. So keeping up a blog is going to be an interesting (in the "may you live in interesting times" sense, that is!) experience for me.

Since I don't have any exciting publication news to offer right now, this post is about as useful as the "testing layout, don't mind me" post it just replaced. Sorry, everyone!